TuneFab - more info
Apple Music
When you subscribe to Apple Music you can stream or download some or all of your selected tracks as long as your subscription is valid and provided you use an Apple device or Apple authenticated software.
Protection built-in
However, the DRM (Digital Rights Management) built in to each track prevents it being played on a non-Apple device or using non-authorised software; DRM also prevents you playing any track if you stop paying your Apple Music subscription..
TuneFab Apple Music converter removes the DRM from as many Apple Music tracks as you wish - this enables you to continue to enjoy them after your Apple Music subscription finishes.
Where is my Apple Music?
Launching TuneFab will automatically find all your Apple Music tracks and the playlists into which you have organised them (see screenshot of Library).
Output format
TuneFab is a very flexible converter taking in not just music tracks but audiobooks and podcasts as well and letting you select from many output formats (MP3, AC3, M4A, WAV, M4R, FLAC, MKA, AU, AC3 and more) and any and all ID3 tags and other metadata is preserved in the DRM-free converted file (this includes any cover art associated with each track).
Music Metadata
To add to this flexibility, TuneFab includes options to change selected metadata - the 'Library' screenshot shows some of the options including your choice of output format.
Choice of conversion speed
TuneFab users with good performing Macs can elect to run conversions at 5x processing speed rather than the default 1x; this enables much more rapid conversion of a very large music collections.
What is DRM?
Digital Rights Management (DRM) is the use of technology to control and manage access to copyrighted material; DRM also means taking control of digital content away from the person who possesses it and handing it to a computer program.
Why bother?
With a music library containing over 75 million songs in lossless quality, Apple Music is increasingly popular. But, not all devices can support the Apple Music app or recognise the format used by Apple Music (.m4p). To make your Apple Music songs playable across all your music devices and take full advantage of Apple Music subscription, you need TrueFab. Using TuneFab to convert your Apple Music tracks makes them playable on any device using any audio playing software.
Not an Apple user?
TuneFab also offers software to remove DRM from Spotify, Audible and Amazon Music alongside a converter to remove DRM from Apple M4V video files.
Pricing Options
The price quoted on the introduction page ($14.99 plus local tax) is for a single month of use; TuneFab also offer a yearly and a lifetime plan.